Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tutorial: Using #10 envelopes as decorative paper (or, "Vintage Fabric Meets the #10 Envelope")

What do these two pictures have in common...vintage fabric (that my wonderful friend Sandy gave me from her stash. Thanks so much Sandy!) and regular #10 bill envelopes? Well, believe it or not you can recycle and use the envelopes as decorative paper! What you say? Has she gone mad, using #10 envelopes as decorative paper? What is she talking about? Maybe sniffing that glue? haha! Well, let's take a look below and see what happens if you were to slice off the top of these envelopes. Here's what you would see inside...wonderful designs to use as decorative paper on your papercrafting projects!. Well at least that's how I was inspired!

Here's a sample of the "Bookoo Blessings" card I designed using my recycled dp...I made a scallop circle and again at the bottom of the card I machine-stitched it as a border. I chose this envelope design because I thought it complemented the grey background design on the vintage fabric. I also used my scraps of "Genevieve" (my favorite TAC paper collection) on the left side of card:

I put together a tutorial SLIDE for you to show you the MANY things you can design OUT OF ONE ENVELOPE (and there was still paper left!). The best part is I didn't have to pay for the paper... I'm lovin' that! Hey, your turn to try your results here so everyone can see. Thanks and happy everything!

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