I've had quite a few requests for this template. I've never had it online so I've had to snail mail out the template I use, soooooooo I thought it would be good to make up a tutorial on
my blog and thought I'd share it here as well:)
Materials needed:
8 1/2" x 11" paper
7 1/4" circle (plate works well)
Instructions:Turn your paper to work on the horizontal.
1. Working on the vertical (8 1/2") edge of the paper, mark at the left side 1" and move down to 7", do the same for the right side.

2. Mark along the horizontal (11") edge at 2 3/4" and 8 1/4", both top and bottom of the paper.

3. Draw a
score line from 2 3/4" and 8 1/4" marks DOWN and a
cut ACROSS at the 1" and 7" mark to meet the score line.

4. Using a 7 1/4" circle (plate) line it up with the edge, touching the 1" cut line and move the "plate" inward to approximately halfway. Mine measured 3 3/4" and then trace.

Repeat this for the other side as well.

5. Cut out your template.
Remember to cut out the little piece at the top of both sides.

and the piece on the bottom.

6. Now you're ready to fold up your template.

Fold the
bottom up to meet the

Fold in each side flap to meet in the middle.

7. Punch holes for the "ties" into the end of each flap and only in the front of the diaper.

There is your template, now trace it onto the paper of your choice and you're ready to go :) You can even try it with

A 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" card should fit inside your diaper nicely :)

Have fun and let me know how your's turned out.